I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?
My brain said, "Stop reading that book in your hands, get up and do something with those 6 bins in your room."
I've had 6 rather large bins in the middle of my room for about 4 years now. It's an eyesore. In those bins are the books of a sister, god daughter and nephew. I build my home library with my family in mind, wanting to give/share the joy of reading books with them but as they've grown and given back most of their read books I'm left with the aftermath.
I started tackling each bin separating the books in piles by donate, ship and sell. It's been a daunting task but It MUST get done. It's morning and I'm as tenacious as ever! I have one large bin to go and lot's of organizing and cleaning to do.
***Wish me luck!