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Books Over TV

I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?


Books I read in February

The Heiresses - Allison Rushby Just One Day  - Gayle Forman Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad - Ellen Levine Aya: Love in Yop City - Marguerite Abouet, Clément Oubrerie Manor of Secrets - Katherine Longshore Raunchy 3: Jayden's Passion - T. Styles

In the month of february I read 4 books, a graphic novel and listened to an audio book. It was a good reading month. I enjoyed all six, some more than others. 


The Standouts 


Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine


Aya: Love In Yop City by Marguerite Abouet


The Just Ok


Manor Of Secrets by Katherine Longshore


Just One Day by Gayle Forman