I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?
I read a total of 11 books in December.
I enjoyed reading the eight shown but there were three that were huge disappointments.
Those were;
1). The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
***A very anticipated read that just didn't work for me. I was lost and didn't get the point.
2). Lengendary: Inside the House Ballroom Scene by Gerald H. Gaskin
***I was given a egalley of this book by the publisher. The pictures didn't show well and I wanted and was expecting more detail and inside look.
3). Devil in the Making by Victoria Vane
***I suppose the issues I had with this novella could stem from it being a prequel and for me it didn't have a wrap up or make much sense.