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Devil's Cub

Devil's Cub - Georgette Heyer I loved it! The Alastairs came back with a bang. It was nice to see them as a family unit. Leonie and Rupert had a greater role in this book than Justin. However, in the end, The Duke of Avon played the best role/ hoax. Fanny was her ridiculous self and you learn that she has the most ridiculous and boring son. Her daughter Juliania has the Alastair countenance but is prone to the vapours. She plays a horrible game with her beloved Frederick and almost loses him. I dare not say more to not give too much away of this delicious tale. Reading this one by Mrs Heyer showed me why she is considered one of the greatest writers of historical romance.As I said while reading this gem, I enjoyed the duels, chasing about, running away, catching of the vapours, and frank, albeit funny dialogue between the characters. "The Devil's Cub" didn't disappoint in the least. This is a book I will read over and over again. It reminds me of why I love to read...for the discovery of a great story.