I was hesitant about purchasing this book but, my cousin read The Cartel Series and she repeatedly talked about The Murder Mamas and how BAD they were. Well, first this book is called the Murder Mamas but there is only one Murder Mama in it. The story is sooo slow I unknowingly fell asleep a couple of times reading it. Some books make sense when the format of the story jumps back and forth but because this book was slow, boring and fell flat in the DRAMA department it became hard to follow. I forced myself about halfway in to continue, with the hope it would pick up and get better but, to my chagrin, that didn't happen. I wasted time and money on this one and am a bit dismayed that I have others by the authors, in paperback, on my shelf that I also purchased based on 5 star reviews on Amazon. I hope that those books will redeem this one.