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Download Drama (Kimani TRU (Quality))

Download Drama (Kimani TRU (Quality)) - Celeste O. Norfleet I enjoyed this read. Download Drama is about a young girl named Kenisha Lewis who is always caught up in some kind of drama. This book has it all; cheating part time Dad with crazy baby mamma drama, kick butt taking no stuff Grandma, boy triangle, a family secret, text messaging, c list celebrity drama, and the typical high school "Mean Girls" drama. Ms. Norfleet wrote this book through the eyes of a teenager. As I was reading, I could place any of my nieces, nephews and/or their friends in these situations. I liked how she wrote the text messaging into the story because we all know that's what teens do all day. Ms. Norfleet showed, through all the various characters, how teens interact and respond to each other and in complicated situations. The concept of the story was believable as well as the plot. Ofcourse, there are many lessons to be learned in this tale but they're subtle and not overdone. Teens will enjoy this book because it's like reading about their friends, boyfriends or school. They will be able to relate and laugh.