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Books Over TV

I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?


— feeling excited
My Friday Reads
My Friday Reads

I'm catching up on a lot this morning and then after I will be starting Ethic by Ashley Antoinette. As I stated, in my previous post, there are 6 books in this series. I will try my best not to gobble them all up one after the other.


That is the plan for today. Unfortunately, I can't read books back to back unless they are in a series so, I will start The Girl With The Louding Voice by Abi Daré tomorrow.


On Sunday, if I can stay on track and not get distracted, I will read It's Not All Downhill From Here by Terry McMillan.


What are you reading this weekend?