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Books Over TV

I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?


Books I Read In October and November

The Diamond Empire (A Diamonds Novel) - K'wan Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel - Jesmyn Ward Brazen - Katherine Longshore The Longest Memory - Fred D'Aguiar The Tragedy of Brady Sims (Vintage Contemporaries) - Ernest J. Gaines The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah An Extraordinary Union - Alyssa Cole A Hope Divided (The Loyal League) - Alyssa Cole Perennials - Julie Cantrell Driver's Seat (Penguin Modern Classics) - Muriel Spark

I read six books in October and five books in November. I'm pretty pleased about my progress. There were a few books that I thought I'd love and a few that I was unsure of that after reading became favorites. Here are the reading results:



5 Star Reads


The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah


*I listened to most of it on audio and then switched to the ebook. This book is worth all the hype. It is an unforgettable read. I will definitely re-read this book and I highly recommend if you enjoy WWII books and stories about family.



The Longest Memory by Fred D'Aguiar


*This was definitely a hard read. There's family betrayal, heartbreak and the harsh realities of plantation life. The characters in this book will stay with me for some time.



4 Star Reads


The Diamond Empire by K'wan


*Crazy characters, violence and deception all play into great entertainment. I love this series and can't wait for the next book. K'wan knows how to keep you captivated, on edge and panting for that next read.


An Extraordinary Union (The Loyal League) by Alyssa Cole


*Absolutely more than I anticipated. I loved the premise, characters and the writing. This book has interracial love, familial love and characters that stand for what they believe in. Another that I highly recommend to lovers of romance and historical fiction. Alyssa Cole is an author I will continue to pick up.


A Hope Divided (The Loyal League #2) by Alyssa Cole


*Loved it! Just as great as the first, but I fell in love with Socrates (Ewan). Marlie and Ewan had their own personal struggle, but manage to fight for what's most important, love.


Perennials by Julie Cantrell


*I listened to the entire book by read-to-me function on my Kindle Fire during the seven hour ride to Las Vegas. Perennials is what I call a slow burn. There's much going on throughout the book, but it all comes together like an intricately weaved  fabric at the end. I love family books. This book was heartbreaking and sweet.


Brazen by Katherine Longshore


*I'm trying to clear out the last of my YA books. I read the first two books in The Royal Circle trilogy and enjoyed them so, I decided to read Brazen before I donated it. I'm finding that the YA books I purchased are truly written for a very young audience and I can't read them. The writing is too juvenile in language and tone. However, I was able to read this and enjoyed it. It was a fun engaging read.



3 Star Reads


The Driver's Seat by Muriel Spark


*Okay, but completely forgettable read. I would've preferred someone to have just told me the story and saved my money and time.


Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata


*Another okay read that I had too high expectations. I get the parts about the importance of traditions with the tea ceremony, but even that wasn't enough of a grab to save this little book. Someone could've just told me the plot and I could've skipped it.



None Rated Books


The Tragedy of Brady Sims by Ernest J. Gaines


*This definitely didn't turn out the way I thought it would. It's strange it's a book in my opinion. I don't read short stories, but I would call this one. I'm baffled and don't have much to say. Another book I could've skipped.


Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward


*This is the third book that I've tried to love by Ms. Ward. I just don't think we get along. The first book I read of hers was Salvage the Bones. After I tried The Men We Reap. I found it to be slow and melancholy to the point of distraction. My mind would wonder while reading the words. I get the point of the books or what's trying to be conveyed. I just don't enjoy the process of getting there. I find her books have the same formula. Therefore not agreeing with my tastes. Many readers love Ms. Ward and she's won numerous awards. I'm sure she'll continue with much success and I do wish her well.