I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?
I only read two books from my March Maybe post. Both were 4 star reads. March was a very busy month as I decided to start a massive Spring Cleaning in the midst of helping my parents with some personal things.
I am elated that I have gone through clothes, books, closets, shoes, purses and kitchen ware and have purged away the clutter. Once I start something, any project, it completely takes over my life. I still have the daunting task of stove/oven cleaning and the dreaded TAXES.
I am determined to stay focused and deliver on this goal of 6 books. They all seem right up my alley and engaging. If a book is dragging I will move on and not waste precious time lagging on it. Most times, I've realized, it is just bad timing. I wasn't in the mood to read the book at that time.