I love to acquire, hoard, stack, shelve, smell, read and share books. I review books. I stare at books. You get it, right?
Now, that was a good story. I flew through this book never noticing passing time or pages. I was fully immersed. I immediately fell in love with the Granger brothers, Jace the mature, strong and wise eldest brother who's a lawyer, Caden the middle child who is a laid back musician and Dalton, the spoiled smooth youngest son who is a confessed ladies man.
I also liked Shana. I would've preferred for her character not to give in so easily and fast to lust but it's a romance and the women only last for so long before they wilt for the desirable irresistible man. That being what is was didn't quell my enjoyment of this book. I'm eager to learn about who killed Mrs. Granger, Caden and Shiloh's story and If Dalton will find the first woman he has sought after.
Book #2 Coming in 2014, Caden Granger's story titled, A Son's Promise
I would like to thank Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.